Welcome to MCN Europe
MCN Europe is a recruitment and consulting service that advises European born players who want to find the best possible fit and experience seeking placement into junior or collegiate hockey in the USA.
Our Advisors have years of experience Junior, Collegiate and Professional coaching in both Europe and USA. Our expertise in hockey come from all continents, with a network of contacts, placement and guidance through the process of finding a place in North America.
MCN Europe makes the recruiting process easier for you and your family while getting the ultimate experience out of your journey.

Services for Europeans
MCN Europe help players make the right decision and guarantees placement on a prep, junior or college team that best fits your needs.
MCN Europe will work towards your best possible future. We want our players to have the best possible experience and develop as an ice hockey player by finding a new element in your game. Whether you are at the Prep, Junior or College level, we want to be a part of your experience and support your way to becoming the best hockey player that you can be.
Prep School hockey is a competitive and development stage to junior and college hockey. High School players combine hockey while getting a great education. MCN Europe has great relationships with Prep schools in the U.S and can offer an experience that combines high level hockey and athletic opportunities in a educational environment that will prepare you for the best colleges and universities around.
Junior Hockey, is often the last step before entering the college hockey platform. There are a lot of levels of junior hockey in the USA, that are different from Europe. (Tier 1 Tier 2and Tier 3). Here at MCN Europe we assist in finding the best possible team that fit your skill level, social life and where you will have the ultimate possibilities to be seen by the most NCAA coaches.
College Hockey, is a great way to combine your studies and ice hockey at a extremely high level of hockey. 33% of the players in the NHL come from the NCAA. Collegiate hockey is a very good platform to develop as a hockey player and while also getting a higher degree that could help you land you your dream job in the future.
Interested in playing in Europe?

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MCN Europe has the opportunity to offer North American and European players to be able to play hockey in Europe. If you have graduated from college and are looking to become a professional player. We can help placing you on a team in Europe that will be a great experience and platform to become better.
We will help you get the exposure and develop into the player that is needed to get the next step. All our advisors have significant experience playing and coaching in Europe, with the knowledge of what will make your experience and hockey career the best.